Diabetic Clinic
Service Description
We have a specialist Diabetic Nurse here at the Surgery. If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, there are a few things we offer: - A full medical examination- this may also include a referral to a specialist eye clinic. - A talk with a diabetes care nurse who will explain what diabetes is and about your treatment. - Several sessions with your diabetes nurse for basic instruction on injection technique, looking after your insulin, blood glucose meter and pen, blood glucose testing and what the results of your own testing means. - You should also expect to have a discussion about hypoglycemia and how to deal with it. We offer an Annual Review assessment by our Specialist Nurse.This should include a blood pressure check, a measurement of height and weight, drawing blood to find out your cholesterol level and your HbA1c (average blood glucose over the last few weeks), including a urine test to check whether your kidneys are working well. At our Practice, we also offer a Podiatry Clinic, where a Podiatrist will examine your feet and reflexes to ensure all nerves are working ok.

Contact Details
Guttridge Medical Centre, Deepdale Road, Preston PR1 6LL, UK